Saturday 4 October 2014

Arrival in Halifax

The day started very early. I didn't sleep particularly well partly on account of my very sore legs from all the cycling yesterday. I woke before my alarm, threw my final bits and pieces in my bag and had the breakfast the hostel had kindly put aside for me. It was an overcast and chilly day so it seemed I was leaving at the right time. I was asleep almost as soon as I got on the bus and slept for about an hour and a half nearly until I had to change buses. The bus arrived in Halifax just after 1.30pm, a little late but not by much. I took my time at the station here grabbing a couple of maps before the very short walk to the hostel.

By the time I was checked in at my hostel and ready to head out it was 3pm and drizzling quite heavily. It was very windy too although not especially cold. I walked first to the Farmers Market then along the boardwalk to the tourist information centre. I walked a fair way along the seafront then up and back along Barrington Street where the hostel is located. I went in a few shops, stopped for a cup of tea, found a bar to hopefully watch the football tomorrow and then went back down to the station to ask about shuttle buses to the airport. I went to the supermarket right by the station, walked around part of the Dalhousie Sexton campus then back to the hostel. It had dried up midway through my walk and was quite pleasant given we're now in autumn. The kitchen was very busy but I found space to cook myself a nice meal.

The location of the hostel seems very good. There's plenty going on in this area and looking at the map I can see many of the sights are nearby. I've had some recommendations of things to do from Emma, my cousin Jane's daughter who's at university here. I'm exhausted so won't do anything tonight but review the maps and information I've picked up. I plan to be in full on tourist mode tomorrow after watching the football in the morning.

HI Hostel, Halifax

Georges Island

The Wave


  1. Glad you arrived safe and sound and at least got some sleep.
    Hopefully with Emma's help you will find plenty to do in Halifax and get to find other places to visit in Nova Scotia.
    Enjoy the football,hopefully Halifax has other Arsenal supporters to keep you company.

  2. Gosh you saw a great deal in PEI and I can only imagine how sore your legs must have been after all that cycling. Well done! Hope you get to see my granddaughters, Emma and Catherine while you are in Halifax and I'll look forward to seeing you again on Wednesday Tom. Take car.

  3. Hi Tom. Just catching up again with your exploits having enjoyed our time with T&T and Angie. Enjoy Halifax and safe journey back to Ottawa.xx
