Wednesday 23 July 2014

Arrival in Boston

So today I made the move from New York to Boston. It was a very hot and humid day so in one way being on an air conditioned bus for 4 hours wasn't too bad. Unfortuately the wifi didn't work but I did manage to read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, one of the free books on my tablet. The hostel here is to the north of the city in Everett. After catching the subway I gave them a call and they came and picked me up from the station. It wouldn't have been too much of a walk but in these weather conditions it was most welcome. 

After settling in I took a long walk around Everett. It seems like a quiet suburb. There isn't much of anything to do in the local area but the hostel runs regular shuttle buses to the subway in the morning and will pick you up until late to save you walking back to the hostel. They also offer breakfast so that's one less thing to think about. 

I've got a few things I know I want to see and do here but tomorrow will probably just head to downtown and see what's where. There is a possibility of storms passing through which whilst cooling things may lead me to find more activities to do inside.

Backpackers Hostel, Everett


  1. Just catching up with your entries - great pics, glad you are enjoying yourself. Hot here too! Patrick slogging away at the airfield....

  2. Glad you were able to put your wi-fi-less journey to Boston to good use. The air con on the bus must have been welcome. The Backpackers Hostel seems to offer a pretty good service, so we hope this will make your stay there enjoyable. Have fun exploring downtown Boston.

  3. Wow, you certainly know how to fill in your days despite the heat and humidity congrats. Your photos truly depict some of the amazing sites you have seen. Keep them coming.
