Tuesday 22 July 2014

Coney Island

What a hot day. The sunscreen and shorts were out for a trip to the beach at Coney Island. It took an hour to reach by subway and when I got there around midday it wasn't very busy but certainly got a lot busier during the afternoon. I walked a fair bit of the boardwalk and along the pier (a lovely breeze to cool things a little). I eventually ventured onto the beach. The sand was so hot but I made it closer to the water and found part of a jetty to sit on for a good hour and a half topping up my sunscreen regularly. I already have an impressive tan. I had a good paddle along the water's edge before heading into the Brighton Beach area and finally sorting a SIM card thanks to a very helpful and patient assistant at AT&T.

I took the subway back to Manhattan, walked over the Williamsburg Bridge then spent some time walking around Williamsburg discovering the area better and looking at some neat urban art. I didn't get back to the hostel until after 8pm so feel I made the best of my final day here.

Coney Island

Williamsburg urban art

Williamsburg Bridge

1 comment:

  1. Pleased you were able to get to the beach and have a paddle.I bet your tired feet appreciated the dunking!
    Photos are coming out really well,keep them coming.
    Safe journey to Boston today Tom.
