Sunday 27 July 2014

Boston to Albany and beyond

So today was all about travel. I made my way to the bus station and left Boston just as a thunderstorm started for the 4 hour bus ride north to Albany. I couldn't settle on the bus but did manage to get stuck into the first few chapters of Wuthering Heights.

I was picked up from the station after a short delay by Jonah, my host for my stay. He drove myself and one other volunteer the 45 minutes to Cambridge, a very small town. The area is so idyllic and very tranquil. The farm itself covers a large area, is self sustaining from organic produce and also makes natural soap to sell to both large and small organisations.

The community is quite interesting. They have about 70 members here, adults and children, are all very friendly and have other similar communities around the world. There are morning and evening prayer based meetings after which they eat as a group. The food was lovely and I also got a welcome basket on my bed. There are 7 or 8 volunteers here at the moment. I'm sleeping in a tent for now with 2 others until rooms become available. It has everything I need including electricity so as long as it's warm enough I'll be ok.

I'm pretty tired after the travelling so don't envisage staying up late plus I've no idea how hard I'll be working whilst I'm here or what I'll be doing over the forthcoming days.

My tent


Common Sense soap shop

1 comment:

  1. It's great to get your first blog from the farm. The buildings look impressive. The farm community is clearly well established. We hope your night in the tent was comfy. The chairs outside are a nice touch, as was the welcome basket. We can't wait to hear how your first full day on the farm goes.
