Monday 28 July 2014


It's been an odd day. I woke up extremely early and couldn't get back to sleep. Just after I'd showered it started to rain which turned into a thunderstorm when I was up at the main house having breakfast. It stopped shortly after I got down to the fields thankfully. This morning was spent harvesting assorted greens and onions for the house and to be taken for various orders. These had to also be washed and packed. 

We stopped for lunch for an hour then went back to the fields. More harvesting to start with then I set about pruning some tomato plants. It certainly warmed up but as I was finishing at 4.30pm the rain came down again and another thunderstorm started. I was supposed to be going into Cambridge with some of the other volunteers but seem to have missed them so ate in the main house.

I don't think I'll be staying here more that a week. I want to break up the trip to Philadelphia so am trying to line up some volunteering back in New York or the surrounding area as I need to go there to change buses regardless as I make the trip south.

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