Thursday 24 July 2014

Long day exploring

So as is normally the way in a new hostel I didn't sleep well and woke up early. It was overcast (no storms) and less humid but did clear up as the day went by although thankfully not as hot or sticky as yesterday. 

I got the 9am shuttle to the subway and headed to the Common in the centre of the city. I had a scout around, went to the visitors centre then went on two free hour long walking tours taken by the National Parks Service from Faneuil Hall. They were both filled with information but only covered small areas so not much walking.

After the second tour I headed up to the USS Constitution and USS Cassin Young taking a walk around the latter. Then I went to Bunker Hill and climbed the 294 steps to the top of the monument. Boston is a small city and easy to walk around. They have the Freedom Trail marked on the sidewalks so you just need to follow that to all the main historical sites.

I walked back towards the city centre and checked the market and street performers around Faneuil Hall. The area reminded me of Covent Garden and is likewise very busy.

There was a free outdoor performance of Twelfth Night by the Commonwealth Shakespeare Company on the Common at 8pm so I decided to stay out to check that. It was a very contemporary version but a most excellent watch. 

Having been out for more than 12 hours I'm very tired. I should sleep better tonight.

Bunker Hill Monument

View from Bunker Hill Monument

Twelfth Night, Boston Common

1 comment:

  1. Another very interesting day exploring the sights of Boston.Do hope you slept well.
    No mention of food! Hope you are finding tasty things to eat.
    Very warm here too.
    Take care
