Sunday 20 July 2014

Walking Manhattan

I've walked and walked and walked some more today. The Brookes Admissions Global challenge team would be proud of me.

I slept ok until my body clock kicked in about 5am and I was wide awake. I managed to doze on and off until 8am. I went searching for a phone/SIM in the local area but didn't find what I had hoped for.

After a brief break back at the hostel I walked over the very long Williamsburg Bridge and into Manhattan. I got all the way to the west of the island and the World Trade Centre. The new building is quite a sight and the two reflecting pools provide a somber memorial to those who lost their lives on 9/11 and do bring home the scale of the events of that day. 

I walked down the west side of the island to Battery Park and spent the rest of the afternoon wandering aimlessly around half searching for phone options, half looking around me at the different areas in lower Manhattan. After crisscrossing streets and avenues I worked my way up to the East Village before my legs finally gave up and I boarded the subway back to my hostel.

Helen and Brian, my friends from New Jersey came over and took me out for some mighty fine hot dogs and pizza. It was so good to catch up with them and they're so lovely and accommodating especially to make the journey on a Sunday evening. I'm really looking forward to seeing other friends from this side of the pond on my trip.

Looks like I've got the room to myself tonight which means I can spread out a bit and plan for tomorrow at my leisure.

World Trade Center

Statue of Liberty

With Helen and Brian

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a busy first day you had in NYC. Great blog and pics. You already seem to have a tan!

    Glad you were able to meet up with Helen and Brian. Continue to enjoy New York/Brooklyn.

