Thursday 17 July 2014

Not long

So the last couple of days have flown by as I've tried to pick up everything I need for my trip. It's hard to think if I really need any more stuff for three months away than I'd take for a three week trip. Afterall they do have shops and laundrettes in the US. I did pick up a very smart new camera which seems to do much more than I need yet at the same time is very simple to use.

I've packed my bag today. I'll no doubt have some minor panics about things I may have forgotten to put in or decide tomorrow that I've got too much and choose to take something out. I've also confirmed my first volunteering spot, arranged to meet up with my lovely friend Helen on Sunday, my first full day in New York, and acclimatised to the American accent via an online chat with the wonderful Season over in California. The time difference from here makes it so tricky to keep up with everyone so I'm definitely looking forward to conversing more with all my US and Canada based friends and family when I'm better geographically situated and to also catching up with a fair few of them in person on my travels.

As my flight is stupidly early on Saturday morning I'll be heading down to Heathrow tomorrow to stay in one of the airport hotels. It should make the early start a little easier to take.

1 comment:

  1. Safe flight Tom. We shall enjoy following your travels. L+P xx
