Tuesday 29 July 2014

Soap shop

The morning started with a half hour walk around the local area picking up litter, something everyone in the community takes part in. Today then was spent working in the soap shop (factory). I was mainly making up boxes for individual bottles of Argan oil, one of the many products which are outputs of the production line. It was repetitive work but at the same time very satisfying as you could see the output of your labour. 

This afternoon after making more boxes it came time to fill them and 
then pack them into larger boxes and label them for shipping. We got through a fair few in the last couple of hours of the working day but there are many more still to be done. I'm hoping I'll be working on the production line again tomorrow.

It was a lovely evening on what has been a sunny yet not overly hot day. After dinner I walked around Cambridge with some of the other volunteers. It really is a pretty small place. I plan to go again on Thursday, the only evening that one of the local cafes actually opens late (and then only until 6.30pm). I finalised plans for my next move and volunteering which was good to get sorted.



Common Sense Farm Shop


  1. Sounds as if you are enjoying the experience. Where are the other volunteers from? P is still slaving away at the airfield! Love from us xx

  2. That sounds like a very satisfactory day.
    Glad you were able to go out and explore Cambridge with some other volunteers.
    Your next port of call should be interesting.
    Hope you make the cafe tomorrow before it closes!
