Wednesday 30 July 2014

Farming again and more soap

I woke with a headache during the night but managed to find my paracetamol in the dark and cut it off before it got any worse. Breakfast included some wonderful cookies with apple sauce to add which made them taste great. A young German couple who had been volunteering here for two weeks headed off but we did have another volunreer come yesterday so there's always plenty of help

I was down in the fields again today many working with Charaph, a community member and one of the other volunteers. We started by harvesting a few greens then about 50 lettuces all of which needed cleaning and boxing up. After that we moved onto weeding the beetroot patch with hoes. We got most of the way through by our lunch break by which time it had started to hot up after a very comfotable morning. 

Lunch was taken back up the farm house and was again fantastic. They really have some very talented cooks and it's all so healthy with lots of vegetables and salad with each meal. After lunch I headed back to the field and did some hand weeding through a particularly thick bit of the beetroot patch. I then moved onto picking green beans which took me through to the end of the working day by which time it had gotten really quite warm and my feet were starting to get a little sore.

After supper I went up to the soap shop to help finish packing the order. It's almost midnight and we just got finished. We had some snacks and it was good to see the order through to its completion, 50000 bottles. Very tired now so I should sleep very well.

1 comment:

  1. Now that sounds like a very labour intensive day.You certainly are gaining a lot of experience in harvesting and weeding.How you then found the energy to finish off the packing in the Soap factory we will never know!
    Glad you are being fed well.
    Enjoy your last day.Hope you slept well.
    Love from us both
    Maybe you could get a photo of you all before you leave.
