Monday 8 September 2014

Arrival in Ottawa

I made it to Ottawa after what felt like a very long day. I was up early, out at the supermarket spending my last couple of dollars, then on the subway to O'Hare Airport. It was an easy ride along the Blue Line to the airport and once there I got through security quickly in plenty of time before my flight. I walked around, sat and read and people watched. My flight was delayed by almost an hour as we waited for the plane to arrive then waited for security clearance to board.

The flight took 2 hours and we moved back across into Eastern Standard Timezone with us landing in Ottawa shortly after 5pm. I was through immigration quickly and there to meet me were Angela, my aunt and Kate, my cousin. We drove the short distance to Angela's apartment, caught up, had a really nice meal and then I started looking at the maps and tourist guides they'd picked up for me at the airport. Kate's son Adam came to pick her up later in the evening. It's unbelievably the first time I've seen him since he was a baby, some 26 years ago.

I'll be out and about tomorrow with Angela acting as my tour guide Downtown as I discover what Ottawa has to offer and then as the week goes by I'll get to planning the rest of my trip.

Angela's apartment building, Ottawa
With Angela


1 comment:

  1. It must have been really nice to have family waiting to greet you at an airport for a change, and to have a lift to your destination, not to mention good grub as soon as you arrived there. Here's hoping this and your meeting with Adam augur well for an enjoyable and interesting stay in Ottawa. Please give our love to Angela, Kate, Sarah & families.
