Saturday 20 September 2014

Football, Saint Joseph's Oratory and Hip Hop

It's been a long day. I was forewarned by a guy in my dorm that he'd be getting up very early but that didn't help when his alarm went off at 5am. I couldn't get back to sleep for the next hour then was awake again at 7am so decided to get up. I didn't make it down for the band last night but despite a relatively early night was still exhausted after the early wake up. I took my time over breakfast making sure to fill up then was out and about early to travel a fair way west to a pub, the Burgundy Lion to watch the football. I took the subway and got a weekend pass and it didn't take long to get the 6 or 7 stops along the line. I found the pub easily and there were a couple of guys there to watch the game. I discovered there were more Arsenal fans at the back of the pub but it was easier to see up front so I sat there. The game was good, a simple 3-0 win away to Aston Villa. By the time it had finished it was almost noon and time for my tourism to begin.

I went back on the subway and headed in the direction of Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal. I had a fair walk as I got off the subway at the further of the two nearest stops. The building is absolutely massive and the way it's perched up high makes it look quite imposing. I saw some making the climb up the many stairs on their knees, something I'd read about. The view is very good when you reach the outside of the building and after all the steps I was quite warm. It was overcast today yet hotter than yesterday. Inside the modern styling and massive dome made it well worth the visit. 

When I had climbed back down I found the nearest subway station and went in search of NDG Park. I'd read online that there was a small, free Hip Hop festival taking place, Elementakiza. I eventually made my way there and found vans being decorated with graffiti, breakdancers, a DJ playing some tunes and even some barbers cutting hair (there was to be a barbershop battle according to the website I'd read). I stayed around for a while and watched some of the b-boy competition and some of the dancers were very good and quite athletic. You had to be careful not to catch a foot to the face if you were sat on the edge of their area.

After a while I was back on the subway heading for Little Italy. There was a small festival taking place in a park there but it was pretty quiet with not a whole lot going on when I was around. I did sit for a while and avoided getting wet by sitting under a tree when there was a brief shower. From there I jumped back on the subway and into The Village which is close to the hostel. There was a supermarket right outside the station and I walked back the few, colourful blocks ready to eat almost as soon as I got in. 

I went out today at 9am and only got in at 7pm. It's Blues Night at the hostel but once again I'm not sure I'll make it to the bar. I actually just want to plug into some music, read up on the day's football and prepare for tomorrow, my last day in Montreal.

Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal

B-Boy Competition, Elementakiza

Graffiti artist at work, Elementakiza

1 comment:

  1. You're certainly discovering that Montreal has many faces, including a community of Gunners fans. It must have been fascinating discussing Arsenal and the match with French Canadians. Fingers crossed for an equally interesting final day in the city.
