Wednesday 17 September 2014

Hog's Back Park and the Central Experimental Farm

My final day in Ottawa started at the same unhurried pace as the other days here. When Angela and I were ready we drove to Hog's Back Park to check out the Falls. It took a while to get there as once again construction was playing havoc with the traffic. The water races through the dam and down the Falls from the very placid Rideau River. It's neat to just stand and watch for a while. From there we drove around to the Central Experimental Farm and spent a fair amount of time walking around their Arboretum and Ornamental Gardens. The gardens were really bright and vibrant and I enjoyed the peace and quiet. From there we went to nearby Little Italy to The Prescott for lunch, apparently the place to eat there.

We headed back to the apartment in the early afternoon. I did more laundry so all my clothes are clean as I prepare to move on. We played another game of Scrabble in which I was lucky to have nearly all the big scoring letters at the right time and my best scoring turn, 81 points gave me the win. Jeff and Kate dropped over briefly just before we had supper and it was good to see them again before I leave.

My bus tomorrow leaves at 10am and should get to Montreal about 12.30pm Hopefully I'll be able to check into my hostel early so I can get out and about exploring in the afternoon. There does seem plenty to see and do and the hostel even runs their own tours, a good way to get to know the city.

Hog's Back Falls

Panoramic view of the Rideau River and Mooney's Bay Park

Ornamental Gardens

1 comment:

  1. The Montreal hostel sounds promising. Safe journey, and have a great time in the city and in French Canada.
