Thursday 11 September 2014

Walking Bank Street and the Rideau Canal

I've done a lot of walking. The forecast rain came over night and when I got up it was just drizzling. It was very windy and pretty dull, more like a September day back home. I went for a short walk in the area around Angela's apartment and nearly got taken out by bins flying down the street the wind was so strong. I wanted to get a coffee at the nearby shops mainly to get some change but when I got there found all the power was out. It had just come back on when I returned to the apartment but appeared to be off in isolated spots all over the place.

Kate came by and drove us to the city dropping me off whilst she went to an appointment with Angela. I started by walking up Bank Street and got some lunch once I finally decided what I wanted to eat. The Glebe area of Bank Street is nearly all small, unique stores and I did pop into a couple and did lots of window shopping.

I left the main road walking east over to the Rideau Canal and down the Queen Elizabeth Driveway. It is very pretty albeit with a busy road alongside. I got down to Lansdowne Park and the new TD Place stadium but had to stick to the main road as the park was inaccessible because of ongoing construction. I walked back around to Bank Street and retraced my steps but went further up and into the Centretown area where the stores change a little but are generally still of the small, individual variety.

I worked out, primarily by looking at bus stop maps that I could get one bus from a few blocks further up which would bring me back close to the apartment. Thankfully it arrived just as I got to the stop. It did take a funny route using the purpose built Transitway but that meant we skipped past nearly all the traffic. I did have a bit further than expected to walk at this end of my journey but did get to see the huge volume of new housing being built on the development which is a lot bigger than I had realised.

When I got back it was almost supper time. I've eaten and am sat resting my legs now. No plans to venture anywhere this evening plus we have an early start in the morning to get to a couple more of the Ottawa sights.

1 comment:

  1. Flying bins and power outages. There's clearly never a dull moment in Ottawa. You must know the place pretty well by now, having covered so much of the city centre on foot. Hope you have a good day sightseeing today.
