Tuesday 9 September 2014

Out and about in Ottawa

It's been an active yet leisurely paced day, pretty much ideal at this point in my trip. After a good night's sleep I was somewhat refreshed for the day ahead and after breakfast Angela and I headed into the city centre. We drove past one of Angela's previous houses near the canal and parked up at the Rideau Centre. We walked along by Parliament Hill (somewhere I'm keen to take a tour of), past the Supreme Court and down by the Ottawa River to Victoria Island. We stopped at a nearby pub for something to eat and were able to sit outside but in the shade as although a little cooler than other places I've been on this trip it was still pretty warm. 

After lunch we walked back along Sparks Street then by the National War Memorial of Canada where we were luckily on time to see the changing of the guard. We took a wander around the Byward Market area but didn't venture too far in so that'll be somewhere for me to head back to another day.

We came home to have tea and so I could start working on my schedule and plans for the rest of my trip. I know roughly where I'm going now and have confirmed a stay in Hamilton with my cousin Jane. I've been browsing tourist brochures and maps this evening but need to properly decide where we'll be going to tomorrow.

Parliament Building

View along the Ottawa River

Changing of the guard, National War Memorial of Canada


  1. So glad you had a lovely day with Angie; weather looks perfect from the great pics. Enjoy the rest of your exploring. Say Hi to all the family from us please. xx

  2. Good to read about your day out in Ottawa with Angela.Seeing the changing of the guard must have been special,good timing!
    Hope your future plans work out.So pleased you are able to fit in a trip to see Jane and family.
    Enjoy another day seeing the sights,must be nice to have company for a change.
    Pics look good,camera getting a lot of use.
    Love from us
