Wednesday 24 September 2014

Last look around Trois-Rivieres and Arrival in Quebec City

I was feeling better this morning but still not 100%. I'd managed to get to bed before 11pm and slept through till 7.30am and I stayed in bed until after 9am, a rare occurrence on this trip. After breakfast I checked out of the hostel but was able to leave my things there for the day. I wrote some emails and didn't get out and about until 11.30am. 

I walked north to a part of the city I'd only visited briefly (as the location of the nearest supermarket to the hostel). I found the impressive Fresque de Trois-Rivieres, a mural showing some of the historical moments since the founding of the city. I then stumbled across the impressive Porte Pacifique Duplessis. From there I headed down to the waterfront and found a bench overlooking the Saint Lawrence River. It was a lovely day and even with the breeze I was warm enough to sit without my jacket on. I did some reading in the bright sunshine then made my way back to the hostel for a late lunch. I got my things together and walked the short distance down to the bus station. 

The bus to Quebec City took two hours. It was again not very busy so I could spread out. I read up a little on what there was to do at my destination and downloaded a useful looking Quebec tourism app. From the bus station I had a 15 minute walk to the hostel, most of it uphill. It's a good huge hostel and I actually struggled to find the way out after I'd checked into my room and unpacked the essentials. I'm sharing with three Australians, two of whom I've met and they seem very friendly. 

I went out for a brief walk around. I'm very well located seemingly near lots of the main sights and plenty of bars, restaurants and shops. I went and got something to eat as I wasn't up for cooking tonight. It had already gotten dark so I didn't see much on my wander but at least have an idea of where I am and what's out there on my doorstep. The hostel arranges some tourist activities with a city tour on Friday. I'll probably join that although I expect I'll see a fair bit tomorrow when I'll walk plenty and find what exactly is where.

Fresque de Trois-Rivieres

Porte Pacifique Duplessis

HI Hostel, Quebec City


1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you're beginning to feel better and are off to a good start in Quebec City. Your hostel sounds pretty well-organized and helpful, so this augurs well for an interesting and enjoyable stay in a historic city.
