Saturday 27 September 2014

Wandering and Football

It's been a day of wandering. Once again it's been very warm, the Indian Summer many have been talking about is truly here. I set out to try and explore parts of the city I'd not previously visited. I started by going over to the Quebec Parliament then on through the East Quartier Saint-Jean Baptiste and onto the Plains of Abraham, an 18th century battlefield turned park. Even though it's the weekend it wasn't that busy. I strolled around there for some time backtracking so I could walk back towards the hostel via a different route through the same area.  

I surveyed all the pubs close to the hostel but none had any football on. They seem to be more places to eat than just than pubs to grab a drink and were all pretty packed with lunchtime trade. Therefore I returned to the hostel just in time to find a stream allowing me to watch the North London Derby on my tablet. I did try the TV room but a lack of cable/satellite TV quickly counted out that option. The stream was much better that the other day with some buffering during the game and most frustratingly at the time of the goals. The 1-1 draw was ultimately unsatisfactory but it's better than a defeat and we once again managed a comeback. 

After the match I walked down to the railway station where I was able to collect my train ticket for tomorrow and was glad to get that sorted. I walked around the nearby market then over to the Quartier Saint-Roch. It's less touristy, had some nice murals and graffiti pieces to look at and had some neat shops to go in. I walked over to Parc Victoria then headed uphill and back towards Parliament. Some of the streets were very steep and after lots of walking my legs were really starting to tire. I went up and sat on the city wall to catch the early evening sun before it went down and things started to cool down.

I've cooked and eaten at the hostel and I may take a further short walk later as I've still got some energy left and it's a very pleasant night. I'll check out in the morning and then plan my day as I've got a lot all day here before I need to get my shuttle bus to the other railway station and then my overnight train.

Parliament Building

Martello Tower 1, Plains of Abraham

Place de la Gare


  1. Good blog Tom,again you have found plenty to do,all sound interesting.
    Shame you couldn't find anywhere to watch Arsenal,and streaming was the only way to view.
    Have you seen anything of the renowned Canadian Fall?
    Hope the overnight trip goes well and you can get some shuteye

  2. I hope you have a safe journey and manage to spread out and sleep for a good part of the journey. It's hard to believe your adventure is in its last phase so enjoy and have fun. See you soon.
