Sunday 21 September 2014

Parc Jean-Drapeau, Olympic Park, Burlesque and Bingo

It's been an overcast, humid and occasionally rainy day. I was out of the hostel by 10am and on a shuttle bus over to Parc Jean-Drapeau (the subway line there being closed for repairs). The park stretches across two islands, Ile Sainte-Helene and Ile Notre-Dame. I got up close to the huge Biosphere and then went wandering. I crossed over to the second of the two islands and saw loads of cyclists bombing around the Gilles-Villeneuve Grand Prix circuit. It's a neat location and I was surprised at just how the park and circuit merge. It must be a great place to watch a race. I walked a fair way alongside the circuit and across it then I crossed back over to the first island walking the various trails. It was getting busier as the morning went on but during my time there it was very peaceful.

I got the shuttle bus back across the river and then the subway out to the Olympic Park. I walked all the way around the stadium then through the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neighbourhood down to the Maisonneuve Market. It didn't live up to the billing given it by the Montreal guide but certainly gave me a good walk to get there and then back to the subway station. 

I got off two subway stops away from the hostel, popped into the supermarket and then came back to the hostel. It was only about 3pm but my legs were very tired as I'd walked a long way at the locations I went to. I decided to stay around the hostel and look for something to do in the evening once I had some energy back. The hostel was hosting a comedy night but I really didn't fancy that and wanted to get out and about again. I searched online and found the fantastically named Wiggle Room which was hosting the equally epically titled Miss Ginger Trailer Park Burlesque Bingo Extravaganza and Bake Sale.

I cooked and ate early and set out to explore the Plateau Mont-Royal and Mile End areas prior to finding the venue. It looked to be quite a lively part of the city with lots of nice bars, restaurants and boutiques. The rain came heavily just after dark but by then I was pretty close to the venue. It was a small upstairs bar, very well set out with a stage and plenty of seating. It was more bingo than burlesque with plenty of games before and between the three performances. The compare was very amusing, thankfully spoke in English and I actually got quite into the bingo. Sadly I didn't win anything. The performers were very good and it made for a fun night out. I found the nearest subway station and made my way back to the hostel.

Montreal is a cool place. It's probably the easiest city I've been to for getting around with an excellent subway setup and the grid system really working well thanks to good signage (no getting confused as to which way's which at intersections). The only difficulty I've found is the language barrier. Actually it's not so much that everyone speaks French and mine is poor but that there's a real mixture of French and English spoken so I never know what's appropriate and some people are more receptive than others to my basic language skills. As I move further across Quebec I'm expecting French to dominate and somewhat perversely that will be less confusing.

Biosphere, Parc Jean-Drapeau

Olympic Stadium

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tom,another zigzagging your way through Montreal.Did you see everything on your list?
    You have found another meaning for B&B?
    Glad you got out in the evening to do something very different.
    Hope your journey to Trois Rivieres goes well and you find it an interesting place.
    Love as always
