Wednesday 3 September 2014

Beaches and Football

I've spent most of today at the beach. I started out by riding the bike northeast to the Shorewood area. I had wanted to get my hair cut and coloured but the salon there could only fit me in for a cut so I left my number in case they had any cancellations but the call never came. 

From there I headed east and then south to Bradford Beach. It was so quiet with it being a work day. I sat on a rock soaking up the sun, walked from one end of the beach to the other and read a bit of Treasure Island which I'd started on the bus journey here. I went for a paddle and the water in the lake was pretty nice.

I was on the beach for a couple of hours before heading back to Shorewood to the Three Lions pub to watch the England friendly match and to have lunch. When that finished I headed to Atwater Beach, a small beach nearby that I'd spotted earlier in the day. The wind was blowing which took the edge off the heat somewhat and it actually brought a bit of a chill to the air at times. I did some more reading this time sat on the boardwalk then moved to the small park above the beach with great views. 

On the way back I rode part of the Beerline Trail which passes very close to the apartment then came back for something to eat. I think I may have just missed Eric as I got a text from him earlier saying he was headed home but he's not about now.

I feel quite sun-kissed, especially on my legs and it was good to have a day doing relatively little but still being out and about making the most of the lovely weather.

Tomorrow I move on to Chicago, my last stop in the US. When I look back I have done a hell of a lot although I've not been everywhere I wanted. I have however discovered other places like Milwaukee which weren't even on my radar when I was planning from back in the UK and I am pleased about that.

Panoramic view of Bradford Beach looking north

Bradford Beach looking south

Atwater Beach


  1. Hi Tom. What a lovely relaxing day you've had! Need one or two of those occasionally to recharge the batteries... Hope you have a good journey to Chicago. We had a great time there, following the Blues Brothers Trail. Love from us xx

  2. Now that is our kind of day,the beaches look so nice.Glad you took time to relax and soak up the rays.
    On to your last port of call in the USA,you certainly have packed a lot into the first half of your trip.Hope you enjoy Chicago.
    "Have a nice day"
