Tuesday 16 September 2014

Walk to Dows Lake and Football

The day started very leisurely. I sat and read for a while at the apartment. Late in the morning we went out to Billings Bridge shopping centre and went in a few stores then Angela headed off for a meeting and I walked off and out into the sun. It was a lovely day for walking, bright but on the cool side with a bit of a breeze. I walked along the side of the Rideau River, crossed over and went through Brewer Park and up to Dows Lake. The area around the lake is lovely. The gardens and parks are immaculately kept and very pretty. I stopped briefly at the lake before walking towards and then along the Rideau Canal to Bank Street. I walked for just over an hour and a half and covered a lot of ground.

I located The Georgetown Sports Pub in the Old Ottawa South area where I went to watch the Arsenal Champions League game. As it was the middle of the afternoon it wasn't very busy but there were a few Liverpool fans watching their game and I sat on the other side of the bar with a couple of Arsenal fans. We played very poorly losing 2-0 to Borussia Dortmund. It was a really disappointing performance but at least I had people to chat with about how bad we were.

I wandered across the road and a bus soon turned up headed south. I had to change to another bus and that one went all over the place but did eventually stop very close to the apartment. I think the journey took about an hour door to door. I ate supper with Angela and have just been relaxing this evening. 

It's almost the end of my time here in Ottawa. I've started to look at my next hostel and what there is to do there and in the city but must do more tonight/tomorrow so I'm properly prepared when I hit the road.

Panoramic view of Dows Lake

The Man With Two Hats statue


  1. Hi Tom. You must be really fit by now with all the walking you have done! Glad you are having a good time in Ottawa. Hugs to Angie from us xx

  2. So pleased you were able to get in a good walk in the sun before going to the pub,shame about the poor game though.
    The pics look good
