Saturday 13 September 2014

Football and Ice Hockey

I was awake very early to watch the Arsenal match. Thankfully I didn't have to even get out of bed as I was able to stream it on Angela's laptop. The stream did go down at one point meaning I missed our second goal bit otherwise it worked ok. Disappointing for us not to get the win after a great fightback with the game ending Arsenal 2-2 Manchester City.

By the time the game had finished and I'd had breakfast and showered it was nearly time to head out. It was pouring with rain as we went to Osgoode to watch Michael, one of Sarah's sons playing ice hockey. It was very good to watch. At his age, 12 there's no body checking allowed but it still looks quite physical and the kids are all amazing skaters. The different ages ranges had the rink all day for practice games and scrimmages so as soon as Michael's team were done on the ice there were more skaters out there, albeit older and a fair bit bigger.
I drove with Sarah to pick up her other son, Colin from work and she then dropped me at Kate's. I caught the end of the day's late football kick off and had something to eat there. Angela and I then moved just around the corner to Sarah's house to hang out there and join that part of the family for dinner. I think I've eaten better here than at any other point on my trip and I've had to do no shopping or cooking.

We didn't leave Sarah's until about 7pm and it had thankfully stopped raining in the late afternoon. I had a play around with some photos on my tablet and plan to get ready for bed early so I can get down to some more detailed planning and maybe book some onward travel and places to stay before I go to bed. I don't think the volunteering is going to work out. It's so difficult to coordinate and a lot of the places I received positive responses back from here are actually very tricky to get to without a car. I guess I'll have to continue just being a tourist for the rest of my trip.

Michael on the ice

Ice Hockey action

Ice Hockey action

1 comment:

  1. It must have been really enjoyable and interesting to experience an authentic slice of Canadian family life. We aren't surprised that you've been well-fed during your time in Ottawa. You'll be fully fortified by the time you head off for the next stage of your journey.
