Sunday 14 September 2014

Lazy Sunday

We've had a restful Sunday. I was tired having been up late last night planning and booking the rest of my trip. Thankfully it's all done now but it did take some time checking the availability of hostels and transport to and from one place to the next.

I still woke up early but stayed in bed until a bit later and when I did get up and was ready Angela made us pancakes, bacon and eggs. I pottered around this morning, we walked to the nearby shops to grab some groceries, had a snack and played a game of Scrabble. I was poor and the awful letter selection I had throughout the game didn't help. Afterwards I managed to catch up with Mum on Skype for a nice chat which was very good.

This evening we've been over to Kate's house for a fantastic roast dinner with her, Adam and his girlfriend, Chelsea. I watched one of the day's NFL games with Adam and it was good to hang out with him some more.

I'm already sat in bed. I've got a few things to do before my head hits the pillow but plan to go to sleep soon so as to ensure I feel fully rested by the morning.

1 comment:

  1. A relaxing Sunday sounded like a great idea.You seem to be being very well looked after and so many nice meals.
    Glad your have almost finalised your next few weeks,sounds like hard work planning trips and co-ordinating hostels.You seem to have chosen some unusual places to visit,and will get to see Emma& Katherine.
    Good to Skype yesterday and catch up.
    Love to everyone.
