Wednesday 10 September 2014

Canada Aviation and Space Museum

Today was again taken at a leisurely pace. We walked a fair amount yesterday so did a bit less today driving up into central Ottawa then out along Rockcliffe Parkway high above the Ottawa River to Rockcliffe Airport and the Canada Aviation and Space Museum. They really packed in a whole variety of planes flown throughout Canada since the earliest days of flight. There were lots of Canadian made planes but also foreign planes and helicopters flown by either their air force or civil operators. We spent a full 2 hours looking around and didn't even touch on the space section. It was particularly great to see some of the World War II planes up close.

We drove back along the Parkway to an overlook with a great view to Gatineau and the Province of Quebec then drove along the Parkway, past Parliament Hill and crossed over into Hull, Quebec. We were looking to get down to one of the parks by the river but there didn't seem to be any road turnings so instead headed back across the river and to Dows Lake. We had a late lunch in a bar overlooking the lake then headed on to grab some shopping and pick up Kate from work. The traffic was horrendous and I don't think I've ever been to a city before where so much construction work is going on at the same time.

We've not done a lot this evening. I did get my laundry done which was much needed and need to work out what I want to do tomorrow. It's forecast to rain overnight/in the morning and Angela has an appointment early in the afternoon so depending on the weather I may strike out by myself by bus or on foot to explore the city some more.

Lancaster Bomber, Canada Aviation and Space Museum

View to Gatineau from Rockcliffe Parkway

1 comment:

  1. Chalking up your second Hull must have been an uplifting moment, Tom. No doubt it's a lot different from the Hull over here. Good to know that you are able to savour Ottawa and the surrounding area (not to mention the traffic) at a leisurely pace.
