Sunday 7 September 2014

Final day in Chicago

I've been feeling rough again for much of today.  Maybe something in the water here doesn't agree with me. I started the day contacting some potential HelpX hosts in Canada and have a couple of replies already so the chances for volunteering north of the border look pretty good. I caught the subway to the city centre and took a wander through Grant Park taking time to sit and relax near the lake. From there I went to the small Museum of Contemporary Photography. I went last time I was here and the exhibitions are always changing so it was worth revisiting.

I walked to the Cultural Centre to take a look at the amazing interior and Tiffany glass dome then kept heading north to look at the Centennial Fountain in the daylight then on towards Navy Pier. It looked way too busy for me so I decided to skip it and go around and sit on the wall by Ohio Street Beach and read for a while.

When I moved on I went to the tiny City Gallery in the Historic Water Tower then over to the enormous Merchandise Mart. It is very nice inside with its art deco style but was eerily quiet with none of the stores open. I got the subway from there and rode around The Loop which is part of the elevated section of track through the centre of the city then changed lines and came back out to the hostel. The Craft Fair was again on today and looked even busier than yesterday.

I had something to eat and relaxed at the hostel for a while then went out just before 8pm to meet my friend Megan. Helen had passed on my US mobile number and it was really good to be able to catch up at a bar just a couple of subway stops from the hostel. A good way to spend my last evening in Chicago.

Tomorrow I fly to Ottawa to stay with my Aunt and I'll plan the rest of my trip from there. My flight leaves just after 1pm so a very sociable time which means there is no rush in the morning.

Clarence Buckingham Memorial Fountain

Centennial Fountain

With Megan


  1. Sorry you weren't feeling well again,probably made getting around on your last day not so enjoyable.You still seemed to have seen a lot ,and it was great that you were able to meet up with Megan.
    Do hope your flight to Ottawa goes smoothly .Your stay with Angela should be nice and relaxing,and a good way to start your Canadian adventure.
    Hope you get a Helpx experience ,good to hear you have had some replies.
    Love from us both .

  2. Patrick spoke with Angie last eve and she is looking forward to your visit. Glad you enjoyed your last day in Chicago. BTW, your hair looks good! Love from us xx
