Thursday 14 August 2014

Arrival in Charlotte

I'm so tired. The trip to Charlotte really took it out of me. I left Baltimore on the bus at 10pm, had a 2 hour layover in Richmond at 1.30am then arrived in the city just before 10am. I slept a fair bit on the second bus but it was full so there wasn't any room to spread out.

Just after I arrived my cousin Tim turned up to pick me up and we drove the short distance back to his house in Huntersville. Tammy, his wife was home and after I'd taken a much needed shower and had some breakfast we drove her to work, took a quick look around town, went grocery shopping then came back to the house for some lunch.

In the middle of the afternoon we headed out to go see friends of Tim's who work at two workshops refurbishing old Jaguar and Porsche cars. We spent a fair amount of time there with Tim catching up and looking at some great old cars in various states of repair. We came back to the house in time for tea and I've spent a lot of the evening watching TV. Now my head is definitely ready for bed.

Tim and Tammy's House, Huntersville


  1. It must have been a relief to get to T&T's after your exhausting bus journey from Baltimore. Hope you managed to have a good night's sleep and are fresh for your next day in Huntersville. The visit to the car renovators must have been interesting. Do they "pimp" "rides" there, too? Love to T&T.

  2. So pleased you arrived safely but you must have been so tired. Do hope you slept well and feel refreshed in the morning.

  3. So glad you've arrived at T&T's. We've also visited that car workshop - Patrick was in his element . Ended up staying there far longer than anticipated - really friendly people. Please say Hi to T&T xx
