Friday 22 August 2014

Museum visits

I headed down to The Mall again today. It was less hot but still quite humid and I fancied a day with less walking. I started by visiting the United States Botanic Garden. It was very interesting and well organised with plenty of information about the different plants on show. It rained when I was in there but not very heavily. From there I walked the short distance to the National Museum of the American Indian. It was absolutely huge with so much information throughout the different exhibits. It certainly explained a lot about the different tribes and vast variety of native American people. I think I had information overload as I couldn't take it all in after a while.

After some lunch I moved onto the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. I was lucky enough to join a 2 hour guided tour which had just started. The guide was very informative about a number of the exhibits which really do represent nearly all aspects of air and space history. I took a quick walk back over a few of the exhibits once the tour was over but had seen plenty already.

Finally I went over to the National Gallery of Art. It was only open for another hour when I got there but I managed to see plenty including lots of paintings by Cézanne, Monet, and Van Gogh. I sat in their Sculpture Garden next door when the gallery had closed and then headed back to the hostel. I was feeling pretty exhausted but having eaten I've now woken up a bit. I still don't think I'll do anything tonight though. Maybe I'll go up to the roof garden here and read for a while. I've still got a couple of more days here to see what else there is.

United States Botanic Garden

Apollo Lunar Module, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Roy Lichtenstein - House I, National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden

1 comment:

  1. What a busy day you have had and such a variety of topics,no wonder your brain couldn't take anymore info.Hope you relaxed on the roof terrace and prepared for today.No doubt you are going to a pub to watch Arsenal today!Hope it is a good game,we will be watching too.Love from us both.
