Thursday 7 August 2014

Governors Island

I spent the morning further organising the CD collection and taking CDs from their jewel cases and filing them along with the booklets and back sleeves into file pockets. I reckon I did at least 250 throughout the morning making them more compact. I'm quite happy with just how many I got through and nearly the entire collection is now done and reconciled in with those done prior to my visit.

After lunch I took the bus down to the ferry terminal and once I reached Manhattan walked the short distance to the ferry to Governors Island. It's a very beautiful park site and was very pleasant to walk around with a nice breeze around the edge of the island. I found the hammocks and spent about an hour just chilling in one of those. It was pretty quiet on the whole island which made my visit all the more relaxing. I took the 5pm ferry back to Manhattan then the subway to Canal from where I walked down Broadway and back to the ferry terminal. I must have walked a fair distance throughout the day as my feet are pretty sore and I'm feeling very tired. 

I have enjoyed my time on Staten Island. Like my stay in Brooklyn it was good to see another part of New York and not just Manhattan and the volunteering worked out really well for me. Tomorrow I take the short bus trip down to Philadelphia and will stay there over the weekend.

Governors Island

Fort Jay, Governors Island

Hammocks, Governors Island

1 comment:

  1. Well done with the CDs,they must have even more than you!
    Governors Island seemed a great choice for your last day,the hammocks look very inviting.
    You certainly are walking miles,those poor feet.
    Have a good journey to Philadelphia today.
