Sunday 3 August 2014


I was woken early again by rain but also by one of the cats seeking my attention. I managed to stay in bed until my alarm went off then once I was ready to face the world went out with Bonnie to walk the dog.

The whole family were heading out to take Bonnie to camp so I had the house to myself for most of the day. Lisa helped move some stuff out of the den and ensured I had everything required for painting including an old t-shirt to wear. I had a lovely Skype chat with Mum and Dad then I washed down the walls and started taping ready to paint. I finished my preparation in time for lunch. 

I managed to get two of the walls painted during the afternoon. I started to find the light tricky as it got later so stopped by 5.30pm, cleaned everything and took a shower. I found it quite stressful as until the paint was dry I wasn't sure whether or not I'd been doing a good job or ruining someone else's home.

The family arrived home later than planned about 7.30pm. I'd already eaten but managed a little of the Chinese takeaway they'd ordered. I can probably paint a third wall tomorrow then will need help to move some heavy furniture to finish off the room and get started on the skirting boards and windows. I'm going to investigate tonight what there is to do on Staten Island in anticipation of having an afternoon out.


  1. Hi Tom. Like you, we hadn't considered Staten Island to be so large. Perhaps we should add it to our ' to visit' list? You are certainly adding to your skills! Continue to have fun.
    Lots of love, L+P xx

  2. Great to chat yesterday and to see your tan.
    Am sure the painting job will look just fine,good for you for even attempting it.
    Hope your afternoon exploring the Island is fun.
    Love from us
