Thursday 21 August 2014

The Mall and Baseball

I've had a long day out in very hot and humid weather. I slept heavily but woke early and it took me a while to get going. I wandered to the Capitol Building and then headed along The Mall. I got as far as the Washington Monument but you need to queue very early for a ticket to go up it and they are limited in numbers so I passed on that. I circled around the White House and then was back on to The Mall heading through the World War II Memorial, along the Reflecting Pool and up to the Lincoln Memorial. I took a look around the small but informative exhibit at the latter then walked on past the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

I'd spotted that Washington Nationals were playing an afternoon game against Arizona Diamondbacks so I took the subway to Nationals Park and managed to pick up a very reasonably priced ticket. I got a free bobblehead upon entry and got yet another souvenir cup for my collection. It rained during the game but it wasn't too heavy and was actually quite nice as it helped me keep cool. The game itself was tight but the Nationals always looked like scoring and twice had the bases loaded but were unable to convert. There was no score going into the last innings but the Nationals picked up a walk-off thanks to a fielding error. It was their 10th win in a row.

I caught the Circulator bus back to Union Station and went to the supermarket so I'm fully stocked up for my time here. I ate pretty late and I'm tired out so ready for a good night's sleep and further exploring tomorrow.

Capitol Building

Lincoln Memorial

Washington Nationals vs Arizona Diamondbacks

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a very full and interesting day. It must have been good catching a daylight baseball game (you seem to be a real expert now). Hope you have an equally varied day today.
