Wednesday 20 August 2014

Arrival in Washington DC

It's been a long day and I'm now all settled into my new hostel in Washington DC. I got up at 6am so Tammy could take me to the park and ride to catch a bus to Charlotte. I had time there to relax with a coffee before taking the tram out to another park and ride to get the Megabus. It was delayed arriving by 15 minutes and there were plenty of us waiting there for it in the sun.

For the first 3 hours of the journey I had two seats to myself and where I thought I'd be tired and need to sleep found I was actually quite awake so I read up on things to do in Washington and played around online despite temperamental wifi. The bus really filled up at Durham but then emptied out a little at Richmond. We finally arrived in just after 6.30pm, about 45 minutes late. Towards the end of the journey we hit a really heavy thunderstorm and the rain was pouring down. Thankfully it stopped before we reached our destination.

I've lucked out with my hostel which is just 15 minutes from the station in an upmarket area. There are bars and restaurants around the corner and also a huge 24 hour supermarket. It's close to the Capitol Building with easy access to the other main sights. The receptionist was very welcoming and they have a very neat roof garden. The only strange thing is that you're not allowed to wear shoes around the hostel. They actually have hotel style slippers you can use if you don't want to walk around in socks or be barefoot.

I'll probably have an early night then plan what to do in the morning. Some rain is forecast over the next few days so I may be spending time inside at some of the many museums on offer. I've done the big sights on a previous visit so I'm not fussed if I have to miss seeing them again in order to stay dry.

Capital View Hostel, Washington DC


  1. The hostel sounds ideal, even if you may have to resort to guest slippers. We hope you are able to dodge the showers as you visit the sights.

  2. Enjoy Washington DC Tom; hope it doesn't get too wet, but as you say, there are lots of museums .

  3. So pleased you arrived safely in DC but you must have been so tired from the journey. I loved Washington when I was there, particularly the museums and I'm sure you will too. It will be wonderful to see you on September 8th. Happy travels.
