Monday 4 August 2014

Painting, Boardwalk walk and CDs

Today was half work, half play. I painted the third den wall as planned this morning. It looks pretty good to me but there's still the final wall to go and the woodwork. David was working from home so he could take his Dad to the airport and the housekeeper was also here but as I was working in the den I didn't see much of them.

After tidying up and having lunch I headed out on a bus to the Franklin D Roosevelt Boardwalk. I walked the length of it and along Ocean Beach Pier then turned around and made my way back. I didn't go on the beach this time although it did look nice and was really quiet. I found a bus to bring me back towards the house and made it here by about 5.30pm. A good afternoon spent out in the sun.

David took Charlie out to a friend's birthday party so whilst I was waiting for Lisa to get home I started to sort their CDs into alphabetical order, one of my planned tasks and something I find very satisfying. I almost completed the job but really need to spread out as there are lots to organise. I should be able to get the job finished pretty quickly. Lisa is at home tomorrow so we will complete the painting and see what else needs doing.

Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

Ocean Beach Pier

1 comment:

  1. That was a really productive day, Tom, and I bet Lisa was delighted that you've not only nearly finished the painting, but started sorting her CD collection. You'd make a good archivist. It must be a real pleasure exploring part of NYC that most visitors don't get the chance to take in properly. Hope today goes equally well.
