Wednesday 13 August 2014

Mount Vernon, Walters Art Museum and more

It's been bright, sunny and breezy which made for a very pleasant day. A huge change from yesterday. I woke up very early so got up, showered, had breakfast, packed my things and sat on the patio with my trainers and boots drying in the sun. They were dry enough to pack by the time I needed to check out, 11am. I left my bag in storage and took the Circulator bus out to the railway station then walked back towards the hostel through Mount Vernon. There certainly is plenty to see and lots of history on the streets. I went into the Walters Art Museum where I spent a long time looking at the eclectic selection of paintings and artifacts. It reminded me in many ways of the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford.

After lunch at the hostel I walked to City Hall and got the Circulator bus from nearby which I rode around Federal Hill then walked a short distance to look at the American Visionary Art Museum and its sculpture garden (although I didn't actually go inside the museum). I rode the Circulator bus all the way out to Fort McHenry where I had another quick stop then rode the bus back to the very neat Harbour Connector water taxi service. That dropped me at Harbour East and from there I walked back to the hostel grabbing snacks for my trip and something to eat tonight on the way.

I need to find out how best to get to the Greyhound station. It doesn't look far but with my bag I'd prefer to get a bus. I want to be there early enough but not too early for my bus which leaves just after 10pm. I've got a 2 hour stop in Richmond at 1.30am and should arrive in Charlotte about 10am. Hopefully I can sleep at least a few hours along the way.

City Hall

American Visionary Art Museum

American Visionary Art Museum sculpture garden

1 comment:

  1. So glad it didn't rain on your last day sightseeing in Baltimore.Again you packed in a great deal in one day.
    Think you will need a holiday when you return to the UK!
    Enjoy your stay with T&T,it will be nice to be in a home again.Lots of love
