Tuesday 26 August 2014

Trip to Antietam

I woke early with very stiff legs and a sore ankle. The walking yesterday,  especially the up and downhill stretches clearly took its toll on me. Anyway I had already planned to not walk much today but instead to rent a bike. I got to the shop just after it opened at 10am, collected my bike, helmet and a complimentary bottle of water and headed off. I crossed over the Potomac to Maryland and rode along the C&O Canal towpath. It was pleasant for cycling under the tree cover and I was riding at a very leisurely pace. Once I reached Shepherdstown I hit the road and cycled to the Civil War battlefield at Antietam, the bloodiest single day battle in American history. The total ride from Harpers Ferry was about 15 miles with the latter section being quite hilly. 

Antietam is a huge site. I started with a documentary at the visitors centre, then went around the small museum and caught the end of a ranger talk having missed the early part as I was exploring the area nearby. I ate then headed out by bike to see some different areas around the battlefield. There is so much to see and it's very spread out. The number of plaques with detailed information on exact events in the battle is very high too. I took the ranger's advice and only rode the flatter sections including a visit to the Observation Tower for a great view then I needed to start heading back.

I wanted to pop into Shepherdstown on my way back but just as I neared I noticed the back tyre was getting flat so stopped as soon as I reached the edge of town. The tyre was almost off the rim and the inner tube was starting to come out so I stopped just in time. I phoned the shop I'd rented from and they sent someone to pick me up. I'd stopped at Shepherd University so it was easy to describe where I was. I was annoyed not to be able to complete the ride back but at the same time I was already very hot and bothered and quite tired.

I've sat in the shade down by the Potomac for a while, walked back to the hostel via an alternative route and am just chilling for this evening.

Cannon and Dunker Church

Panoramic view of Antietam battlefield

Mumma Farmhouse

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like the perfect day out, apart from the tyre problem, though that worked out for the best. It was excellent that Antietam was reachable by bike from Harpers Ferry. Your stay there has clearly been both different and memorable.
