Tuesday 12 August 2014

Rainy day

There is only one word to describe today and that's wet. I had a very restless night's sleep but woke up once I'd had plenty of coffee and the free pancakes offered by the hostel (mixture supplied for you to make your own). I didn't realise quite how much it was raining when I first headed out and it was still very warm. I went inside the Basilica for a look around and then walked down to Lexington Market. From there I walked to Oriole Park, home of the local baseball team and took a very quick walk around the stadium. It was raining so heavily and I was getting soaked so I ended up coming back up to the hostel. I headed back out across the road to the Basilica for midday mass then to the hostel again to eat some lunch and try and find things to do around town which were inside.

I took the Circulator bus to the east of the city centre and visited the Tattoo Museum. Very unique and interesting whilst also a working tattoo studio. My boots were fairing better than my trainers had in the rain and I was already wet so I decided to stay out and walk to the Civil War Museum. Unfortunately though it wasn't open on a Tuesday (the same was true for two art galleries I could have visited). I took a walk out to Fell's Point but the rain started to get really torrential and eventually I stepped in a puddle which sent water over the top of my boots and soaked my feet. There was nowhere under cover to wait for a Circulator bus so I opted to walk back to the hostel where I took a shower and hung my things up to dry. There is a dryer in the basement which I'll use as soon as it's free. Ironically the rain stopped about 5pm but I won't be heading out again. I had wanted to get a ticket for tonight's baseball game but that actually got postponed so it's a good thing I didn't. There's a movie night at the hostel and I want to get my clothes dry and hope for better weather tomorrow as I have all day to explore before my bus leaves for Charlotte.

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary      

Baltimore Orioles


  1. In spite of the decidedly damp weather, you seem to have covered a lot of ground in Baltimore and gained a good impression of the city. It's a good job you had good boots with you. A pity about the Tuesday museum/gallery closures - no doubt because of euphemistic "staff training days". Hope you enjoyed movie night in the hostel, which sounds like a novel feature of the place.

  2. Catching up again - sounds as if you have done some good exploring and the wet weather hasn't deterred you! Enjoy Charlotte when you get there.x
