Sunday 10 August 2014

Philly walking tour

It's been a long, hot day but I've certainly seen a fair bit of Philadelphia. My morning started with doughnuts and coffee from the bakery across the street. I took a look for things to do in the city and found a free walking tour. I made my way on the subway to the Old City and just caught the tour group before they started out. The tour was an epic 4.5 hours long including a lunch break and went about 4 miles so there was a fair amount of stopping and starting along the way and loads of insightful details. Our guide was quite amusing with plenty of funny tales. We took in such sites/locations as Society Hill, St Peter's Church, Magic Gardens, Italian Market, Gayborhood and JFK Plaza. The tour didn't take in some of the typical sites which was definitely a good thing as I discovered parts of the city I wouldn't have otherwise known about.
When we finished at Reading Terminal Market I think everyone was pretty tired. I walked back to the Italian Market where I brought some fruit and veg to last for the next couple of days. It was super cheap compared to the supermarkets. I kept walking all the way back to the apartment where I immediately started cooking and hydrating. It's a little less humid here but still very warm.

This evening I met up with Andrea again and we went to a dive bar in the city centre. Very good to see her and get to chat some more and nice to have someone to go out with.

City Hall

St Peter's Church

Magic Garden

With Andrea


  1. The tour (trek?) around less well-known parts of the city must have been very interesting. You'll know Philly inside out by the time you travel on. Really good that you've been able to spend some time with Andrea. Great selfie, by the way. Podolski would be proud of you.

  2. Wow. You certainly have done a great deal of walking on this trip. You must be so fit. Can't wait to see you. Angela
