Monday 18 August 2014

Exploring Charlotte

Today I ventured on the bus into Charlotte. Tammy dropped me at the nearby park and ride just when a bus was scheduled but only one came through which I thought was headed north, not south so I ended up waiting for an hour. At least I was in the shade as it started to get sunnier after an early morning shower.

Charlotte really is a lot smaller than I imagined. I found a visitor centre and got some maps but didn't need to refer to them much. I visited the main parks; The Green, Fourth Ward Park and Romare Bearden Park and had a delicious burger for lunch at the 7th Street Public Market. It really had started to hot up and I'd been in the city walking for a fair amount of time so I made my way back to the City Transit Centre only to find after a while looking around that although timetabled to leave from there the bus actually left from two blocks away. The journey home was quick as I got out before rush hour and I worked up a good sweat walking from the park and ride back to the house.

This evening I spent time on my tablet then Tammy's laptop booking up some of the next stages of my trip. I'm getting there (just).

The Green

Niki de Saint Phalle - The Firebird, Bechtler Museum of Modern Art

Fourth Ward Park

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it to Charlotte despite you bus delays.The parks look lovely so we hope you were able to sit down and relax for a while.
    Hope you enjoy the football today and Arsenal play well.
    Packing tonight we guess for your trip to Washington.
    Lots of love from us both
