Saturday 16 August 2014

Birkdale Village

Today was spent in and around Birkdale Village, 10 minutes walk from Tim and Tammy's house. After a Skype chat with Mum and Dad this morning I headed into the village and left Tim mowing the lawn. The village feels almost fake as it's so new. The centre is well equipt with lots of different stores including big brands and even a cinema. After a quick walk around I headed to get a coffee and waited for Tim to come and find me.

When we met up we went to a bar with a barbers inside (very unique) so he could get his hair cut and we played some games of shuffleboard. Such a simple yet fiendishly difficult game. We headed out of the village to Target to grab some shopping then back to the house for a snack and to wait for Tammy to finish work.

After we ate supper Tim and I headed back to the bar to meet up with some of his friends and to play more shuffleboard and have only just gotten home. A fun night out in a surprising buzzing bar.

Birkdale Village


  1. You've earned a day's solid R&R, and it sounds as though you found it in Birkdale. The barber's shop in the pub sounds really novel, but we're not sure if it's advisable having a barber in the proximity of that much alcohol. Have a great weekend with T&T.

  2. You know Tom, I didn't even know that place existed in Birkdale Village. Sounds like fun. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay with T and T.
