Tuesday 5 August 2014

More painting

Today has been all about painting. This morning I went out with Lisa to drop Charlie off at day camp and she brought me back to the house with a bit of a tour including a stop off at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Grotto.   I'm sure not many tourists would be able to find that.

She had the day off so we started painting the woodwork and window frames and I painted the forth wall and added an extra coat of paint to one of the other walls. I was working through till 5pm with only a short stop for lunch and the den is almost done now. I still need to paint some of the woodwork and one more window frame but that won't take long.

I'm tired after a long day on my feet and up and down a ladder so plan to just stay in tonight, put my feet up and hopefully find a film to watch on TV.



Our Lady of Mount Carmel Grotto

1 comment:

  1. Bet you are glad you have almost finished the painting!
    The Grotto looks a real find,so ornate.
    We loved the cat photos,they look so gentle and content.
    Hope today you will be able to have some free time to explore more.
    Thunderstorm here at the moment,very loud.
    Take care
