Friday 1 August 2014

Staten Island

I moved out of the farm and on from country life and am now staying on Staten Island a short distance from Manhattan. The morning was spent packing and saying my goodbyes before myself and two other volunteers were given a lift to Albany. The trip to New York on the Go To bus was somewhat back to basics but manageable for 3 hours and just $15.

I was a bit out of my element back on the busy streets and it took a while to get my bearings. When I finally did I headed down to Battery Park on the subway and to the port to catch the free ferry to the island. I was picked up by David and driven a short distance to the house shared with my host contact Lisa. She was soon home with their daugher, Bonnie aged 11. Also in the house are Charlie, 6 and David's father who is just visiting from Chicago dropping the kids back after a visit. They also have a very friendly dog and two cats. They've been so welcoming. We chatted as they made homemade pizza and they are happy for me to join them for meals and trips out and to play a full role in their household if I want to. I've got so much space with the top floor of the house to myself with a bedroom, living room (with TV), kitchen and bathroom. After supper we discussed some of the projects Lisa may want doing by me during my stay. It's so good to have a place I can really spread out in private and plan ahead for the rest of my trip.

Common Sense barn


1 comment:

  1. So pleased you had a warm welcome and now have your own space.Sounds like a great family,am sure you will get on just fine and help in whatever way they want.
    How nice of them to want you to partake in their family life.
    Do enjoy what seems like a very pleasant setup.
    We both send our love
