Sunday 17 August 2014

Lazy Sunday

It has been a frustrating day. I woke up very early so got up, had breakfast then sat on Tim's laptop trying to work on my travel plans. Although Amtrak is the nicer way to travel it certainly isn't as convenient as the Greyhound with not all the country covered and some less than ideal schedules. Then I looked at places to travel to from here and could either get to them but not find anywhere to stay or the other way around. I took another in depth look this evening after Tim and Tammy had both gone to bed and am slowly starting to get there with the planning.

I went out with Tim to Davidson, a local town for a walk early this afternoon. It didn't have a lot to offer but did have a quite pretty old university campus. It seems odd that such a relatively small place would host a large educational institution. You've got to wonder what the students do with their time off. We stopped for coffee in the village on the way back and have just been hanging out at the house for the rest of that day.

We went past the park and ride earlier where the buses go from to Charlotte so tomorrow and on Tuesday I plan to head into the city to explore. Tim's off to visit family in Canada and Tammy will be working so it's my best opportunity to take a look around.

With Tim


  1. Good luck with the planning. Great to hear that you've had a relaxing time with T+T. Have fun exploring Charlotte, something we've never done on all our visits to the area.

  2. A pity that Amtrak isn't particularly compatible with your travel plans. Fingers crossed that you can sort things out with Greyhound, or maybe even a combination of the two. Interesting what you say about tiny Davidson and its university. Such universities must be self-contained communities. Hope you have enjoyable days out in Charlotte, which should have some interesting things to offer.

  3. Like the others, I so hope you are able to sort out travel plans. I can understand your frustrations. I loved Charlotte when I worked there and I know you will see many things of interest. Tom, if it makes your life easier, you can come and stay with me as long as you like. There is so much to see and because I am central to various forms of transportation would make it an easy "hub" to visit other places. Just a thought.
