Wednesday 6 August 2014

The High Line

After a relatively long night's sleep I woke up quite early. I saw Lisa before she headed out to work, had breakfast and then started painting the remaining woodwork. It probably took me longer than it should but I reckon I did a good job. Once done I showered and went back to organising the CD collection. They want the CDs out of the jewel cases and into plastic sleeves so I made a start on that before lunch. 

I headed out for the afternoon taking the bus to the ferry terminal then the ferry to Manhattan. I got the subway to Penn Station, walked to the bus terminal where I collected my Greyhound ticket for Friday then walked down about 20 blocks to The High Line. It really is a neat project and seems to have helped reinvigorate the area around it. I walked to the far south end then back up to the very top. From there I meandered across through Chelsea, into West Village and then Greenwich Village before getting the ferry back to Staten Island. 

The ferry was delayed and I ended up being on the same one as David so was able to get a lift home with him when we got to the island. We had something to eat then he took Charlie and I to Ralph's for ice cream, something of a must do when on Staten Island. I've just found the MLS All Star game on TV. Interestingly they are playing Bayern Munich. Should be worth watching.

Manhattan from the Staten Island ferry

The High Line

The High Line

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like yet another very productive and satisfying day, Tom. You certainly got a lot done. Good that you were able to combine getting your ticket with having a look around parts of Manhattan. The High Line sounds and looks fascinating. I bet you were ready for Ralph's ice cream when you got back to the island.
